
che cercando l'eleganza in tutto lei desidera l'eleganza in tutto lei fa desiderando l'eleganza in tutto il
desiderio me la desidero

seeking elegance in everything you are
desiring elegance in everything you do
desiring elegance in all
desire me
desire you

to love and be loved;

can the planet GOD
solve the riddle?

desire is a universal methaphor
for you or for me

it flows from me to you
you to me

planets are aligned
joined super novas
sighing orchids


speak to me, expose me, moan for me, scream for me,
speak to you, expose you, moan for you, scream for you


seeking elegance in everything you are
desiring elegance in everything you do
desiring elegance in all
desire me
desire you


Josephine Lipuma al rights reserved 2004
the only thing pining

is good for

is a nice piece

of stubborn wood

stuck in the ground

and he is not growing

links to my media work:



Pearl Garden 2004

1 o’clock in the afternoon

Sunday in the Pearl Garden

November 23rd, 2005
In an enormous
feather bed

I was
swallowed up

"Join me in the Pearl Garden": he says

Magnolia trees bloom
their aromas
on floor:
screams stuck
on ceiling
mounting each other
on walls:
soul glyphs,
we are blasted
which way.

'Join me in the Pearl Garden": I say

"It's those DNA genes",
BIO_scientists proclaimed

"I want to get into his genes",
I exclaimed

After saying GOODBYE

To reproduction
I wanted
to be the mother
of his children

I say to myself:
"WOMEN are you smellin’ fumes?"

Rising to his feet
He reaches for my left hand

Hummingbirds encircle us
freshwater pearls:

"Join me in the Pearl Garden":
we say to each other

December 5th, 2004
Sitting in the corner
An empty unstuffed chair
is crying,
saltwater pearls

I wander
in the Pearl Garden:

It is Sunday Afternoon

Flowers chime:
Join me in the Pearl Garden:

It is now December 16th, 2005
stars shine, souls sing:
"I am lonely
for you, baby,
only for you,
only for you."

Josephine Lipuma
All rights reserved


just got a new script from the Luv Doc
it was heavenly